Last weekend EFF took part in the Eleventh Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) conference in New York City and got to meet so many of our wonderful supporters. We've collected the HOPE talks given by EFF staff below, with the official program abstract, video, and where applicable, the original slides. Once you're done watching those, you can also try your hand at our Capture The Flag competition—the challenges are still up at, even though the contest is over.
Keynote Address
Cory Doctorow

Program abstract: We are so stoked to have Cory Doctorow as our keynote this year. We've been trying to get the stars to align for many HOPEs, and this time they did. But we're glad we waited until now, since so much has happened in the past few years that Cory has been on top of - Snowden, Manning, privacy, copyright issues, surveillance - and his talk will no doubt open your eyes even more. As co-editor of Boing Boing, special advisor to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction, and a vocal proponent of changing our copyright laws, Cory really has a lot of super-important and relevant thoughts to share with our HOPE audience.
Ask the EFF: The Year in Digital Civil Liberties
Kurt Opsahl, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, Vivian Brown, Parker Higgins

Program abstract: Get the latest information about how the law is racing to catch up with technological change from staffers at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the nation's premiere digital civil liberties group fighting for freedom and privacy in the computer age. This session will include updates on current EFF issues such as surveillance online, encryption (and backdoors), and fighting efforts to use intellectual property claims to shut down free speech and halt innovation. The panel will also include a discussion on their technology project to protect privacy and speech online, updates on cases and legislation affecting security research, and much more. Half the session will be given over to question-and-answer, so it's your chance to ask EFF questions about the law and technology issues that are important to you.
The Next Billion Certificates: Let's Encrypt and Scaling the Web PKI
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews

Program abstract: Let's Encrypt is a free and automated certificate authority to encrypt the web, launched in December 2015. Jacob will explain why HTTPS is important to Internet freedom and the role certificate authorities play. He'll give an introduction to the ACME protocol that Let's Encrypt uses to automate validation and issuance, discuss Let's Encrypt's progress by the numbers, and outline some of its future plans.
Privacy Badger and Panopticlick vs. the Trackers, Round 1
William Budington, Cooper Quintin

Program abstract: Increasingly, as you navigate the web, your movements are being tracked. Even when you reject browser cookies, you transmit unique information that makes your browser personally identifiable. Ad tech and tracking companies are transforming the web into a platform where your user data is brokered and exchanged freely without your consent or even knowledge - and there is a true absence of limits to the methods trackers are willing to use to get that data from you. Luckily, there is hope. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has been developing technologies that let you know exactly how much of this data you are giving out as you browse, as well as releasing tools to help you protect yourselves against the trackers. Panopticlick and Privacy Badger help you keep your personal data private - and this talk will show you how.