507 members, 402 businesses and 102 associations. References ACTA presentation by Stanford McCoy, USTRA, and Caroline Joiner of CACP Secretariat update on US Chamber of Commerc's initiative to engage intermediaries, including auction sites, search engines, ISPs, financial service providers and retailers in discourse with brand owners. Detection and Enforcement Task Force - developing plan to begin quarterly report of legal cases on these issues - coordinated by John Maltbie at Arnold Porter. Internet Task Force has developed best practices to reduce online counterfeiting and piracy. Draft docs being reviewed by search engines and auction sites. International Task Force met with USTR's Stan McCoy in October 2007 about opportunities for business community to support devlt of ACTA. Focusing on various fora including G8 and APEC. Legislative Task Force working with Congressional staff, expecting House to introduce IP Enforcement Bill in week of Nov 12, will contain many CACP recommendations.