Embedded content loaded from third-party domains (for example, YouTube, Google Analytics, ad networks, or CDNs) may also be affected. You can test this by loading the web page in question in a browser with HTTPS Everywhere installed and pulling down the HTTPS Everywhere rules menu. This will show a list of HTTPS Everywhere rules that were applied as the page was loaded, including rules that might have affected embedded content from other domains.
The stable (as yet unreleased) branch contains the following rule that is enabled by default:
<!-- National Aeronautics and Space Administration For rules causing false/broken MCB, see NASA.gov-falsemixed. stiesx2-ntrs.larc.nasa.gov, ntrs.larc.nasa.gov, & ntrs.nasa.gov are handled in US-government-mismatches.xml. CDN buckets: - landingimagecatalog-1450153822.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com - d1p01lglytwktu.cloudfront.net - mars.jpl.nasa.gov - msfcnasa.r3h.net - www.msfc.nasa.gov.edgesuite.net - spaceflight.nasa.gov.speedera.net - spaceflight.nasa.gov.edgesuite.net - www.nasa.gov.speedera.net - www.nasa.gov.edgesuite.net Nonfunctional domains: - (www.)hubblesite.org * - m.hubblesite.org * - nasa.gov subdomains: - aquarius ᵈ - afinternal.arc ᵖ - www.aviationsystemsdivision.arc ᵖ - impact.arc (shows astrobiology2.arc; mismatched, CN: astrobiology.nasa.gov) - lcross.arc ʳ - worldwind.arc ** - builds.worldwind.arc ** - issues.worldwind.arc ** - www.argo * - cce ** - www.cdscc (redirects infinitely, CN: TS Series NAS) - climate ʰ - www.csbf * - earthobservatory * - lance-modis.eosdis ** - gcmd ᵈ - genelab ** - aom.giss * - data.giss ʳ - gacp.giss ʳ - glory.giss ʳ - gsfcir.giss * - isccp.giss ᵈ - pubs.giss ʳ - www.giss ʳ - gsfc subdomains: - apd440 (redirect to non-existent domain) - arcade ᵃ - asd ᵃ - astrophysics ᵃ - atmospheres ᵖ - cats * - iswa.ccmc * - decadal (refused) - disc ʰ - eclipse * - eoimages ᵈ - exist ᵃ - fermi (redirects to http, expired 2011-12-31) - giovanni ᵃ - icesat ᵈ - jdem - landsat ᵖ - lws-trt ** - mirador ᵃ - nightglow ᵃ - nssdc * - oceancolor ᵈ - owl ᵃ - pace ᵈ - pwg ʳ - radhome ᵈ - seabass ᵈ - seadas ᵈ - glory (refused) - giovanni.sci ᵃ - oceandata.sci ᵈ - sdo * - sma ᵈ - sunearthday * - tigerz ᵃ - trmm ᵈ - venustransit * - voyager - www.hec * - corts.hq (refused) - dayton.hq * - grin.hq * - icb * - jpl subdomains: - (www.)? ʳ - blogs ʳ - cercla ᵈ - cisto ** - cmds-gis ᵃ - dawn ʳ - genesismission ʳ - gracefo (incomplete cert chain) - hydro ʳ - careerlaunch ʳ - grace 403 - ipnpr ʳ - www.istp * - jplnet * - maps ʳ - neo ʳ - opendap ʳ - opendap-uat ʳ - pds-imaging ** - photojournal ** - podaac-tools ʳ - space ʳ - ssd * - stardust ʳ - stardustnext ʳ - thredds ʳ - trs-new * - voyager ʳ - virtualfieldtrip ᶠ - www.jps - eol.jsc - www.jwst ** - kepler (shows astrobiology, CN: astrobiology) - science.ksc ** - www-pao.ksc * - ceres.larc * - discover-aq.larc - geo-cape.larc - lisa ** - lance.nsstc ʰ - mynasa 400 - soho.nascom * - sohowww.nascom * - stereo-ssc.nascom * - umbra.nascom * - mcszulu21.ndc ᵃ - nix ᵃ - www.nsbf ʳ - open (expired) - atmos.pds ** - geo.pds * - img.pds ᶠ - mgmt.pds * - ppi.pds ** - rings.pds * - pigiceshelf ᵃ - psi ᶠ - science 400 - spaceflight ** - (www.)?spaceplace ʳ - spotthestation * - sunearthday ** - technology Redirects to ntr.ndc.nasa.gov - venustransit * - visibleearth * - atm.wff ᵈ - coastal.wff ᵈ - gfo.wff ᵈ - glas.wff ᵈ - npol.wff ᵈ - science.wff ᵈ - topex.wff ᵈ - uairp.wff ᵈ ᵃ Shows another domain * Times out ᵈ Dropped ᶠ Handshake fails ʰ Redirects to http ᵖ Plaintext reply ʳ Refused ** Refused Problematic hosts in *nasa.gov: - www.aeronautics ¹ - appel ᵐ - astrobiology2.arc ¹ - (www.)?space.arc ᶜ - (www.)?utm.arc ᶜ - worldwind31.arc ᵉ ⁵ - ccmc.gsfc ᵐ ᵘ - kahala2.ccmc.gsfc ᵘ - kauai.ccmc.gsfc ᶜ - modis.gsfc ᵘ - discovery ᵘ - www.discovery ᵃ ᵐ ᵘ - www.echo ˣ - firms.modaps.eosdis ᶜ - esto ᵘ - www.esto ᵐ ᵘ - aeronet.gsfc ᵘ - aetd.gsfc ᵘ - ccmc.gsfc ᵐ ᵘ - esto.gsfc ᵘ - gmao.gsfc ᵘ - jwst.gsfc ˣ - neptune.gsfc ᶜ - science.gsfc ᵘ - swrc.gsfc ᵉ ¹ ⁵ - terra.gsfc ¹ ᵘ - uae2.gsfc ᶜ ¹ - (www.)?history ᵐ - beacon.jpl ᶜ - insight.jpl ᵐ ˣ - marsmobile.jpl ⁴ - marsstaticcdn.jpl ⁴ - marstrek.jpl ᵐ - rosetta.jpl ᵉ ˣ - jwst ᵐ ˣ - km ᵐ - discovery.larc ᵘ ˣ - essp.larc ᵘ - explorers.larc ᵘ ˣ - lws.larc ᵘ ˣ - mynasadata.larc ᶜ ˣ - newfrontiers.larc ᵘ - stiprod.larc ᵘ - stiprod-ntrs.larc ᵘ - lunarscience ᵘ - artgallery.msfc ᵘ - discovery.msfc ᵘ - discovery-alpha.msfc ᵘ - nccs ᵈ - esto.ndc ᵘ - nepp ᵘ - www.nepp ᵐ ᵘ - nscs ᵈ - sservi ᵘ - www.sti ᶜ - terra ᵘ ᵃ Shows another domain, preemptable redirect ᵈ Dropped, equivalent to another domain or preemptable redirect ¹ Mismatched ² 404 ³ Cert only matches heasarc.gsfc ⁴ Cloudfront ⁵ Self-signed ᵇ Shows default page, preemptable redirect ᶜ Server sends no certificate chain, see https://whatsmychaincert.com ᵉ Expired ᵐ Mismatched ᵘ Untrusted root ˣ Mixed css Partially covered hosts in *nasa.gov: - reverb.echo ʰ - smap.jpl ʰ ʰ >=1 path redirects to http STS header includes includeSubdomains for towerfts.csbf, www.csbf, discovery, esto, esto.gsfc, history, www.history, discovery.msfc, discovery.msfc, nasasearch, esto.ndc, nepp, towerfts.csbf, www.csbf These altnames do not exist: - www.c3.nasa.gov - visual.gsfc.nasa.gov - www.lists.nasa.gov - utm.nasa.gov - www.utm.nasa.gov Insecure cookies are set for these hosts: ᶜ - access.earthdata.nasa.gov - ecc.earthdata.nasa.gov - search.earthdata.nasa.gov - urs.earthdata.nasa.gov - firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov - exoplanets.nasa.gov - flightopportunities.nasa.gov - neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov - cancer.jpl.nasa.gov - edrn.jpl.nasa.gov - nisar.jpl.nasa.gov - saturn.jpl.nasa.gov - sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov - swot.jpl.nasa.gov - lsda.jsc.nasa.gov - answers.nssc.nasa.gov - sage.nasa.gov ᶜ See https://owasp.org/index.php/SecureFlag Mixed content: - iframe on employeeorientation, jwst.gsfc, jwst, www.echo from www.youtube.com ¹ - css, on: - www.echo from reverb.echo.nasa.gov ¹ - employeeorientation from $self ¹ - jwst.gsfc, jwst from jwst.nasa.gov ¹ - insight.jpl from solarsystem.nasa.gov ¹ - rosetta.jpl from $self ᵉ - discovery.larc, explorers.larc, lws.larc from soma.larc.nasa.gov ᵘ - mynasadata.larc from $self - kauai.ccmc.gsfc, nisar.jpl, oig, pds-engineering from fonts.googleapis.com ¹ - sage from $self ¹ - www.sti from $self - Images, on: - appel from $self ᵐ - appel, km from wpsites.nasawestprime.com - (www.)?space.arc from astrobiology.nasa.gov ¹ - (www.)?space.arc from sservi.nasa.gov - discovery, pub.lmmp, discovery.msfc from www.adobe.com ¹ - www.echo from reverb.echo.nasa.gov - jwst.gsfc, jwst from jwst.nasa.gov ¹ - modis.gsfc from $self ᵘ - neptune.gsfc from $self - (www.)?history, sage from www.nasa.gov ¹ - insight.jpl from $self - insight.jpl, mars.jpl from mars.nasa.gov ¹ - insight.jpl from solarsystem.nasa.gov ¹ - podaac-www from podaac.jpl.nasa.gov ¹ - rosetta.jpl from $self ᵉ - scienceandtechnology.jpl from www-robotics.jpl ¹ - lsda.jsc from $self - km from appel.nasa.gov ᵐ - km from $self ᵐ - discovery.larc, essp.larc, newfrontiers.larc from soma.larc.nasa.gov ᵘ - explorers.larc from $self ᵘ - mynasadata.larc from $self - discovery-alpha.msfc from mcszulu21.ndc.nasa.gov ᵃ - www.nccs from www.hec.nasa.gov - www.nccs from nccs.nasa.gov - www.nccs from $self - sage from $self ¹ - open from $self ¹ - ppm from trmm.gsfc.nasa.gov ᵈ - www.sti from $self - www from $self ¹ - favicons, on: - essp.larc, explorers.larc, lws.larc, newfrontiers.larc from soma.larc.nasa.gov ᵘ - Bugs, on: - scienceandtechnology.jpl from static.addtoany.com ¹ - nccs from twitter-badges.s3.amazonaws.com ¹ - podaac.jpl, podaac-www.jpl, ghrc.nsstc from ws1.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov ¹ ᵃ Unsecurable <= shows another domain ᵈ Unsecurable <= dropped ᵉ Not secured by us <= expired ᵐ Not secured by us <= mismatched ¹ Secured by us, see https://www.paulirish.com/2010/the-protocol-relative-url/ ˢ Secured by us, see https://www.paulirish.com/2010/the-protocol-relative-url/ ᵘ Not secured by us <= untrusted root --><ruleset name="NASA.gov (partial)"> <!-- Direct rewrites: --> <target host="nasa.gov"/> <target host="airbornescience.nasa.gov"/> <target host="apod.nasa.gov"/> <target host="applyonline.nasa.gov"/> <target host="cloud1.arc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="space.arc.nasa.gov" /--> <!--target host="www.space.arc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="astrobiology.nasa.gov"/> <target host="astronauts.nasa.gov"/> <target host="towerfts.csbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="*.towerfts.csbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.csbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="blogs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="c3.nasa.gov"/> <target host="code.nasa.gov"/> <target host="data.nasa.gov"/> <target host="earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="access.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ecc.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="search.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="urs.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="reverb.echo.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="www.echo.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="employeeorientation.nasa.gov"/> <target host="eods.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ws1.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="esdpubs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="espo.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.espo.nasa.gov"/> <target host="spacecomm.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.spacecomm.nasa.gov"/> <target host="espoarchive.nasa.gov"/> <target host="exoplanets.nasa.gov"/> <target host="eyes.nasa.gov"/> <target host="flightopportunities.nasa.gov"/> <target host="gpm.nasa.gov"/> <target host="rt.grc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="wordpress.grc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.grc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="acemission.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="apod.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="aura.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="kauai.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="cilab.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="cor.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="cosmicopia.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="daac.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="decadal.gsfc.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="ehpd.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="espd.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="explorers.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="fits.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="fpd.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="glory.gsfc.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="gms.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="hires.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="iris.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ixo.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="jointmission.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="jwst.gsfc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lola.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lunar.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lws.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lws-set.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="mms.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nasaviz.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="pmm.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="poes.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="rsdo.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="satellitesafety.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ssco.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="stp.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="sustainablelandimaging.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="svs.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="tess.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="corts.hq.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="www.hq.nasa.gov"/> <target host="intern.nasa.gov"/> <target host="invention.nasa.gov"/> <target host="acquisition.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="beacon.jpl.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="cancer.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="dir.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="directory.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="edrn.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="enose.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="exep.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="exoplanets.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="eyes.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="eyesstage.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="gracefo.jpl.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="hyspiri.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="icis.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="jpldataeval.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="jplspaceship.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="mars.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="naif.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nisar.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="pds.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="pds-engineering.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="podaac.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="podaac-uat.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ras.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="saturn.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="science.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="scienceandtechnology.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="smap.jpl.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="solarsystem.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="studentprograms.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="swot.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="technology.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www-robotics.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lsda.jsc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="clarreo.larc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="launchpad.nasa.gov"/> <target host="auth.launchpad.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lists.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lmmp.nasa.gov"/> <target host="pub.lmmp.nasa.gov"/> <target host="see.msfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nasajobs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nasapeople.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.nccs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="genelab-data.ndc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="gs66-vdclambda.ndc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="mail01.ndc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ntr.ndc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="neba.nasa.gov"/> <target host="towerfts.nsbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="*.towerfts.nsbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nasasearch.nasa.gov"/> <target host="*.nasasearch.nasa.gov"/> <target host="answers.nssc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="searchpub.nssc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.nssc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ntr.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ntrs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="oig.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="open.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="pds.nasa.gov"/> <target host="people.nasa.gov"/> <target host="pmm.nasa.gov"/> <target host="retiree.nasa.gov"/> <target host="sage.nasa.gov"/> <target host="satern.nasa.gov"/> <target host="software.nasa.gov"/> <target host="solarsystem.nasa.gov"/> <target host="spinoff.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="www.sti.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="webmail.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.nasa.gov"/> <!-- includeSubdomains applies to one level only, so: --> <exclusion pattern="^http://(?:[^./]+\.){2,}(?:towerfts\.[cn]sbf|nasasearch)\.nasa\.gov/"/> <!-- +ve: --> <test url="http://this.host.towerfts.csbf.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://exists.not.towerfts.csbf.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://this.host.nasasearch.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://exists.not.nasasearch.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://this.host.towerfts.nsbf.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://exists.not.towerfts.nsbf.nasa.gov/"/> <!-- Complications: --> <target host="helios.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="heasarc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="marsstaticcdn.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="jwst.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="mars.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.msfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nccs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nscs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="search.nasa.gov"/> <!-- Redirects to http: --> <!--exclusion pattern="^http://smap\.jpl\.nasa\.gov/$" /--> <!-- Exceptions: --> <!--exclusion pattern="^http://smap\.jpl\.nasa\.gov/(?!/*(?:assets|system)/)" /--> <!-- +ve: --> <!-- <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/documents" /> <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/feedback" /> <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/map" /> --> <!-- -ve: --> <!-- <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/assets/arrow_down_prompt.png" /> <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/system/internal_resources/details/original/258_ERN-Ad.jpg" /> --> <!-- Mixed css: --> <!--test url="http://www.echo.nasa.gov/reverb/about_reverb.htm" /--> <!-- Mixed images: --> <!--test url="http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/blogs/" /--> <!--test url="http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mer/home/" /--> <!--test url="http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/home/index.html" /--> <!-- Not secured by server: --> <!--securecookie host="^access\.earthdata\.nasa\.gov$" name="^request_method$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^ecc\.earthdata\.nasa\.gov$" name="^ring-session$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^search\.earthdata\.nasa\.gov$" name="^BIGipServer" /--> <!--securecookie host="^(?:urs\.earthdata|exoplanets|saturn\.jpl)\.nasa\.gov$" name="^_[\w-]+_session$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^firms\.modaps\.eosdis\.nasa\.gov$" name="^PHPSESSID$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^flightopportunities\.nasa\.gov$" name="^django_language$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^neptune\.gsfc\.nasa\.gov$" name="^(?:AbsoluteImagePath|ImagePath|[\da-f]{32})$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^(?:cancer|edrn)\.jpl\.nasa\.gov$" name="^l18N_LANGUAGE$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^nisar\.jpl\.nasa\.gov$" name="^CF(?:ID|TOKEN)$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^(?:sealevel|swot)\.jpl\.nasa\.gov$" name="^cf(?:id|token)$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^lsda\.jsc\.nasa\.gov$" name="^ASP\.NET_SessionId$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^mynasadata\.larc\.nasa\.gov$" name="^PHPSESSID$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^answers\.nssc\.nasa\.gov$" name="^TS[\da-f]{8}$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^sage\.nasa\.gov$" name="^JSESSIONID$" /--> <securecookie host="^(?!reverb\.echo\.)." name=".+"/> <!-- Redirect keeps all: --> <rule from="^http://nccs\.nasa\.gov/" to="https://www.nccs.nasa.gov/"/> <!-- Redirect drops all: --> <rule from="^http://nscs\.nasa\.gov/.*" to="https://nasapeople.nasa.gov/redirect.htm"/> <test url="http://nscs.nasa.gov/nscs_lp.htm"/> <rule from="^http:" to="https:"/> </ruleset>
The release branch contains the following rules that are enabled by default:
<!-- National Aeronautics and Space Administration For rules causing false/broken MCB, see NASA.gov-falsemixed. stiesx2-ntrs.larc.nasa.gov, ntrs.larc.nasa.gov, & ntrs.nasa.gov are handled in US-government-mismatches.xml. CDN buckets: - landingimagecatalog-1450153822.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com - d1p01lglytwktu.cloudfront.net - mars.jpl.nasa.gov - msfcnasa.r3h.net - www.msfc.nasa.gov.edgesuite.net - spaceflight.nasa.gov.speedera.net - spaceflight.nasa.gov.edgesuite.net - www.nasa.gov.speedera.net - www.nasa.gov.edgesuite.net Nonfunctional domains: - (www.)hubblesite.org * - m.hubblesite.org * - nasa.gov subdomains: - aquarius ᵈ - afinternal.arc ᵖ - www.aviationsystemsdivision.arc ᵖ - impact.arc (shows astrobiology2.arc; mismatched, CN: astrobiology.nasa.gov) - lcross.arc ʳ - worldwind.arc ** - builds.worldwind.arc ** - issues.worldwind.arc ** - www.argo * - cce ** - www.cdscc (redirects infinitely, CN: TS Series NAS) - climate ʰ - www.csbf * - earthobservatory * - lance-modis.eosdis ** - gcmd ᵈ - genelab ** - aom.giss * - data.giss ʳ - gacp.giss ʳ - glory.giss ʳ - gsfcir.giss * - isccp.giss ᵈ - pubs.giss ʳ - www.giss ʳ - gsfc subdomains: - apd440 (redirect to non-existent domain) - arcade ᵃ - asd ᵃ - astrophysics ᵃ - atmospheres ᵖ - cats * - iswa.ccmc * - decadal (refused) - disc ʰ - eclipse * - eoimages ᵈ - exist ᵃ - fermi (redirects to http, expired 2011-12-31) - giovanni ᵃ - icesat ᵈ - jdem - landsat ᵖ - lws-trt ** - mirador ᵃ - nightglow ᵃ - nssdc * - oceancolor ᵈ - owl ᵃ - pace ᵈ - pwg ʳ - radhome ᵈ - seabass ᵈ - seadas ᵈ - glory (refused) - giovanni.sci ᵃ - oceandata.sci ᵈ - sdo * - sma ᵈ - sunearthday * - tigerz ᵃ - trmm ᵈ - venustransit * - voyager - www.hec * - corts.hq (refused) - dayton.hq * - grin.hq * - icb * - jpl subdomains: - (www.)? ʳ - blogs ʳ - cercla ᵈ - cisto ** - cmds-gis ᵃ - dawn ʳ - genesismission ʳ - gracefo (incomplete cert chain) - hydro ʳ - careerlaunch ʳ - grace 403 - ipnpr ʳ - www.istp * - jplnet * - maps ʳ - neo ʳ - opendap ʳ - opendap-uat ʳ - pds-imaging ** - photojournal ** - podaac-tools ʳ - space ʳ - ssd * - stardust ʳ - stardustnext ʳ - thredds ʳ - trs-new * - voyager ʳ - virtualfieldtrip ᶠ - www.jps - eol.jsc - www.jwst ** - kepler (shows astrobiology, CN: astrobiology) - science.ksc ** - www-pao.ksc * - ceres.larc * - discover-aq.larc - geo-cape.larc - lisa ** - lance.nsstc ʰ - mynasa 400 - soho.nascom * - sohowww.nascom * - stereo-ssc.nascom * - umbra.nascom * - mcszulu21.ndc ᵃ - nix ᵃ - www.nsbf ʳ - open (expired) - atmos.pds ** - geo.pds * - img.pds ᶠ - mgmt.pds * - ppi.pds ** - rings.pds * - pigiceshelf ᵃ - psi ᶠ - science 400 - spaceflight ** - (www.)?spaceplace ʳ - spotthestation * - sunearthday ** - technology Redirects to ntr.ndc.nasa.gov - venustransit * - visibleearth * - atm.wff ᵈ - coastal.wff ᵈ - gfo.wff ᵈ - glas.wff ᵈ - npol.wff ᵈ - science.wff ᵈ - topex.wff ᵈ - uairp.wff ᵈ ᵃ Shows another domain * Times out ᵈ Dropped ᶠ Handshake fails ʰ Redirects to http ᵖ Plaintext reply ʳ Refused ** Refused Problematic hosts in *nasa.gov: - www.aeronautics ¹ - appel ᵐ - astrobiology2.arc ¹ - (www.)?space.arc ᶜ - (www.)?utm.arc ᶜ - worldwind31.arc ᵉ ⁵ - ccmc.gsfc ᵐ ᵘ - kahala2.ccmc.gsfc ᵘ - kauai.ccmc.gsfc ᶜ - modis.gsfc ᵘ - discovery ᵘ - www.discovery ᵃ ᵐ ᵘ - www.echo ˣ - firms.modaps.eosdis ᶜ - esto ᵘ - www.esto ᵐ ᵘ - aeronet.gsfc ᵘ - aetd.gsfc ᵘ - ccmc.gsfc ᵐ ᵘ - esto.gsfc ᵘ - gmao.gsfc ᵘ - jwst.gsfc ˣ - neptune.gsfc ᶜ - science.gsfc ᵘ - swrc.gsfc ᵉ ¹ ⁵ - terra.gsfc ¹ ᵘ - uae2.gsfc ᶜ ¹ - (www.)?history ᵐ - beacon.jpl ᶜ - insight.jpl ᵐ ˣ - marsmobile.jpl ⁴ - marsstaticcdn.jpl ⁴ - marstrek.jpl ᵐ - rosetta.jpl ᵉ ˣ - jwst ᵐ ˣ - km ᵐ - discovery.larc ᵘ ˣ - essp.larc ᵘ - explorers.larc ᵘ ˣ - lws.larc ᵘ ˣ - mynasadata.larc ᶜ ˣ - newfrontiers.larc ᵘ - stiprod.larc ᵘ - stiprod-ntrs.larc ᵘ - lunarscience ᵘ - artgallery.msfc ᵘ - discovery.msfc ᵘ - discovery-alpha.msfc ᵘ - nccs ᵈ - esto.ndc ᵘ - nepp ᵘ - www.nepp ᵐ ᵘ - nscs ᵈ - sservi ᵘ - www.sti ᶜ - terra ᵘ ᵃ Shows another domain, preemptable redirect ᵈ Dropped, equivalent to another domain or preemptable redirect ¹ Mismatched ² 404 ³ Cert only matches heasarc.gsfc ⁴ Cloudfront ⁵ Self-signed ᵇ Shows default page, preemptable redirect ᶜ Server sends no certificate chain, see https://whatsmychaincert.com ᵉ Expired ᵐ Mismatched ᵘ Untrusted root ˣ Mixed css Partially covered hosts in *nasa.gov: - reverb.echo ʰ - smap.jpl ʰ ʰ >=1 path redirects to http STS header includes includeSubdomains for towerfts.csbf, www.csbf, discovery, esto, esto.gsfc, history, www.history, discovery.msfc, discovery.msfc, nasasearch, esto.ndc, nepp, towerfts.csbf, www.csbf These altnames do not exist: - www.c3.nasa.gov - visual.gsfc.nasa.gov - www.lists.nasa.gov - utm.nasa.gov - www.utm.nasa.gov Insecure cookies are set for these hosts: ᶜ - access.earthdata.nasa.gov - ecc.earthdata.nasa.gov - search.earthdata.nasa.gov - urs.earthdata.nasa.gov - firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov - exoplanets.nasa.gov - flightopportunities.nasa.gov - neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov - cancer.jpl.nasa.gov - edrn.jpl.nasa.gov - nisar.jpl.nasa.gov - saturn.jpl.nasa.gov - sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov - swot.jpl.nasa.gov - lsda.jsc.nasa.gov - answers.nssc.nasa.gov - sage.nasa.gov ᶜ See https://owasp.org/index.php/SecureFlag Mixed content: - iframe on employeeorientation, jwst.gsfc, jwst, www.echo from www.youtube.com ¹ - css, on: - www.echo from reverb.echo.nasa.gov ¹ - employeeorientation from $self ¹ - jwst.gsfc, jwst from jwst.nasa.gov ¹ - insight.jpl from solarsystem.nasa.gov ¹ - rosetta.jpl from $self ᵉ - discovery.larc, explorers.larc, lws.larc from soma.larc.nasa.gov ᵘ - mynasadata.larc from $self - kauai.ccmc.gsfc, nisar.jpl, oig, pds-engineering from fonts.googleapis.com ¹ - sage from $self ¹ - www.sti from $self - Images, on: - appel from $self ᵐ - appel, km from wpsites.nasawestprime.com - (www.)?space.arc from astrobiology.nasa.gov ¹ - (www.)?space.arc from sservi.nasa.gov - discovery, pub.lmmp, discovery.msfc from www.adobe.com ¹ - www.echo from reverb.echo.nasa.gov - jwst.gsfc, jwst from jwst.nasa.gov ¹ - modis.gsfc from $self ᵘ - neptune.gsfc from $self - (www.)?history, sage from www.nasa.gov ¹ - insight.jpl from $self - insight.jpl, mars.jpl from mars.nasa.gov ¹ - insight.jpl from solarsystem.nasa.gov ¹ - podaac-www from podaac.jpl.nasa.gov ¹ - rosetta.jpl from $self ᵉ - scienceandtechnology.jpl from www-robotics.jpl ¹ - lsda.jsc from $self - km from appel.nasa.gov ᵐ - km from $self ᵐ - discovery.larc, essp.larc, newfrontiers.larc from soma.larc.nasa.gov ᵘ - explorers.larc from $self ᵘ - mynasadata.larc from $self - discovery-alpha.msfc from mcszulu21.ndc.nasa.gov ᵃ - www.nccs from www.hec.nasa.gov - www.nccs from nccs.nasa.gov - www.nccs from $self - sage from $self ¹ - open from $self ¹ - ppm from trmm.gsfc.nasa.gov ᵈ - www.sti from $self - www from $self ¹ - favicons, on: - essp.larc, explorers.larc, lws.larc, newfrontiers.larc from soma.larc.nasa.gov ᵘ - Bugs, on: - scienceandtechnology.jpl from static.addtoany.com ¹ - nccs from twitter-badges.s3.amazonaws.com ¹ - podaac.jpl, podaac-www.jpl, ghrc.nsstc from ws1.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov ¹ ᵃ Unsecurable <= shows another domain ᵈ Unsecurable <= dropped ᵉ Not secured by us <= expired ᵐ Not secured by us <= mismatched ¹ Secured by us, see https://www.paulirish.com/2010/the-protocol-relative-url/ ˢ Secured by us, see https://www.paulirish.com/2010/the-protocol-relative-url/ ᵘ Not secured by us <= untrusted root --><ruleset name="NASA.gov (partial)"> <!-- Direct rewrites: --> <target host="nasa.gov"/> <target host="airbornescience.nasa.gov"/> <target host="apod.nasa.gov"/> <target host="applyonline.nasa.gov"/> <target host="cloud1.arc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="space.arc.nasa.gov" /--> <!--target host="www.space.arc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="astrobiology.nasa.gov"/> <target host="astronauts.nasa.gov"/> <target host="towerfts.csbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="*.towerfts.csbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.csbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="blogs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="c3.nasa.gov"/> <target host="code.nasa.gov"/> <target host="data.nasa.gov"/> <target host="earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="access.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ecc.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="search.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="urs.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov"/> <target host="reverb.echo.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="www.echo.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="employeeorientation.nasa.gov"/> <target host="eods.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ws1.ems.eosdis.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="esdpubs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="espo.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.espo.nasa.gov"/> <target host="spacecomm.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.spacecomm.nasa.gov"/> <target host="espoarchive.nasa.gov"/> <target host="exoplanets.nasa.gov"/> <target host="eyes.nasa.gov"/> <target host="flightopportunities.nasa.gov"/> <target host="gpm.nasa.gov"/> <target host="rt.grc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="wordpress.grc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.grc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="acemission.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="apod.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="aura.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="kauai.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="cilab.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="cor.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="cosmicopia.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="daac.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="decadal.gsfc.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="ehpd.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="espd.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="explorers.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="fits.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="fpd.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="glory.gsfc.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="gms.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="hires.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="iris.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ixo.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="jointmission.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="jwst.gsfc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lola.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lunar.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lws.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lws-set.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="mms.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nasaviz.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="pmm.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="poes.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="rsdo.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="satellitesafety.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ssco.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="stp.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="sustainablelandimaging.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="svs.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="tess.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="corts.hq.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="www.hq.nasa.gov"/> <target host="intern.nasa.gov"/> <target host="invention.nasa.gov"/> <target host="acquisition.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="beacon.jpl.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="cancer.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="dir.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="directory.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="edrn.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="enose.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="exep.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="exoplanets.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="eyes.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="eyesstage.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="gracefo.jpl.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="hyspiri.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="icis.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="jpldataeval.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="jplspaceship.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="mars.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="naif.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nisar.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="pds.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="pds-engineering.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="podaac.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="podaac-uat.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ras.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="saturn.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="science.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="scienceandtechnology.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="smap.jpl.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="solarsystem.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="studentprograms.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="swot.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="technology.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www-robotics.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lsda.jsc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="clarreo.larc.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="launchpad.nasa.gov"/> <target host="auth.launchpad.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lists.nasa.gov"/> <target host="lmmp.nasa.gov"/> <target host="pub.lmmp.nasa.gov"/> <target host="see.msfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nasajobs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nasapeople.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.nccs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="genelab-data.ndc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="gs66-vdclambda.ndc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="mail01.ndc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ntr.ndc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="neba.nasa.gov"/> <target host="towerfts.nsbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="*.towerfts.nsbf.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nasasearch.nasa.gov"/> <target host="*.nasasearch.nasa.gov"/> <target host="answers.nssc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="searchpub.nssc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.nssc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ntr.nasa.gov"/> <target host="ntrs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="oig.nasa.gov"/> <!-- target host="open.nasa.gov" / --> <target host="pds.nasa.gov"/> <target host="people.nasa.gov"/> <target host="pmm.nasa.gov"/> <target host="retiree.nasa.gov"/> <target host="sage.nasa.gov"/> <target host="satern.nasa.gov"/> <target host="software.nasa.gov"/> <target host="solarsystem.nasa.gov"/> <target host="spinoff.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="www.sti.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="webmail.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.nasa.gov"/> <!-- includeSubdomains applies to one level only, so: --> <exclusion pattern="^http://(?:[^./]+\.){2,}(?:towerfts\.[cn]sbf|nasasearch)\.nasa\.gov/"/> <!-- +ve: --> <test url="http://this.host.towerfts.csbf.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://exists.not.towerfts.csbf.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://this.host.nasasearch.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://exists.not.nasasearch.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://this.host.towerfts.nsbf.nasa.gov/"/> <test url="http://exists.not.towerfts.nsbf.nasa.gov/"/> <!-- Complications: --> <target host="helios.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.gsfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="heasarc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="marsstaticcdn.jpl.nasa.gov"/> <!--target host="jwst.nasa.gov" /--> <target host="mars.nasa.gov"/> <target host="www.msfc.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nccs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="nscs.nasa.gov"/> <target host="search.nasa.gov"/> <!-- Redirects to http: --> <!--exclusion pattern="^http://smap\.jpl\.nasa\.gov/$" /--> <!-- Exceptions: --> <!--exclusion pattern="^http://smap\.jpl\.nasa\.gov/(?!/*(?:assets|system)/)" /--> <!-- +ve: --> <!-- <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/documents" /> <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/feedback" /> <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/map" /> --> <!-- -ve: --> <!-- <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/assets/arrow_down_prompt.png" /> <test url="http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/system/internal_resources/details/original/258_ERN-Ad.jpg" /> --> <!-- Mixed css: --> <!--test url="http://www.echo.nasa.gov/reverb/about_reverb.htm" /--> <!-- Mixed images: --> <!--test url="http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/blogs/" /--> <!--test url="http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mer/home/" /--> <!--test url="http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/home/index.html" /--> <!-- Not secured by server: --> <!--securecookie host="^access\.earthdata\.nasa\.gov$" name="^request_method$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^ecc\.earthdata\.nasa\.gov$" name="^ring-session$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^search\.earthdata\.nasa\.gov$" name="^BIGipServer" /--> <!--securecookie host="^(?:urs\.earthdata|exoplanets|saturn\.jpl)\.nasa\.gov$" name="^_[\w-]+_session$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^firms\.modaps\.eosdis\.nasa\.gov$" name="^PHPSESSID$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^flightopportunities\.nasa\.gov$" name="^django_language$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^neptune\.gsfc\.nasa\.gov$" name="^(?:AbsoluteImagePath|ImagePath|[\da-f]{32})$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^(?:cancer|edrn)\.jpl\.nasa\.gov$" name="^l18N_LANGUAGE$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^nisar\.jpl\.nasa\.gov$" name="^CF(?:ID|TOKEN)$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^(?:sealevel|swot)\.jpl\.nasa\.gov$" name="^cf(?:id|token)$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^lsda\.jsc\.nasa\.gov$" name="^ASP\.NET_SessionId$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^mynasadata\.larc\.nasa\.gov$" name="^PHPSESSID$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^answers\.nssc\.nasa\.gov$" name="^TS[\da-f]{8}$" /--> <!--securecookie host="^sage\.nasa\.gov$" name="^JSESSIONID$" /--> <securecookie host="^(?!reverb\.echo\.)." name=".+"/> <!-- Redirect keeps all: --> <rule from="^http://nccs\.nasa\.gov/" to="https://www.nccs.nasa.gov/"/> <!-- Redirect drops all: --> <rule from="^http://nscs\.nasa\.gov/.*" to="https://nasapeople.nasa.gov/redirect.htm"/> <test url="http://nscs.nasa.gov/nscs_lp.htm"/> <rule from="^http:" to="https:"/> </ruleset>
The HTTPS Everywhere developers welcome corrections and updates to rules. Please see our developer information and documentation of the ruleset format. If filing a bug in the Tor Project's Trac bug tracker, you can use the shared username and password cypherpunks / writecode; please ensure that the bug is marked as applying to HTTPS Everywhere.
Information current as of:
current release 6a955e7 2018-11-01 05:00:06 -0700;
next release e7f9f87 2018-12-14 12:11:54 -0700;
current release 6a955e7 2018-11-01 05:00:06 -0700;
next release e7f9f87 2018-12-14 12:11:54 -0700;