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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

New Jersey Says No to Paperless Voting

EFF and Coalition Back E-voting Challenge Trenton, NJ - In the shadow of a lawsuit demanding that New Jersey update state laws to reflect its increasing use of electronic voting machines, New Jersey's acting governor recently signed into law legislation that will require all voting machines to produce a voter-verified...

What Grokster Means on the Ground

Cooley Godward, one of the largest Silicon Valley law firms, has an all-clients bulletin explaining the Grokster ruling that includes the following telling advice in its "implications" section:
Litigation may increase and will likely become more complex. One immediate result of the decision is that many technology companies...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

HOW TO: Endanger Your Child

It wasn't long ago that alarmed parents had to force administrators in a Northern California school to stop tagging their children with RFID-embedded IDs. The IDs, placards that hung from the neck with the childrens' names emblazened on the front, would also have allowed anyone with a compatible scanner...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

You, Your Boss, and Your Blog

Whenever there's talk about blogging horror stories, inevitably the conversation turns to people getting fired for blogging. What kinds of things can your boss fire you for? Aren't there laws to protect you for whistle-blogging about the rotten things your company is doing to the environment? If you...

First Post-Grokster Cold Front?

As mentioned last week, the post-Grokster world may create new concerns for companies creating technologies that enable new digital uses like "place-shifting." Because these companies forthrightly promote activities that should qualify as fair uses, but have generally never been ruled on by a court, they are put in a...

Blogging and the Workplace

EFF Adds New Section on Labor Law to Legal Guide for Bloggers San Francisco, CA - Blogging can affect a blogger's work life in countless ways. Some people have been fired for things they've said in their blogs, while others worry that their bosses may be monitoring their blogging activities...

EU Parliament Votes Down Software Patents, 648-14

Big news. As reported by the BBC, the European Parliament has voted down the Computer-Implemented Inventions Directive, a law that would have given broad authority to the European Patent Office to start issuing US-style software patents in the EU. Rejection of this law is a huge, huge victory for...

A Worthy First Step

Neither the MGM v. Grokster ruling nor the 12,000+ lawsuits filed against individuals will succeed in solving the P2P problem: getting artists fairly compensated for filesharing. EFF advocates collective licensing as a better solution for the P2P dilemma, a solution that aligns the incentives of copyright owners with, rather...

Yet More Lost in the Shuffle

Imagine if "Macworld" couldn't be used to name a publication devoted to Macintosh-related products. Sounds bizarre, no?
Some don't seem to think so. EFF announced Monday that it has filed a lawsuit against French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis Group on behalf of Medical Week News, publishers of the medical news...


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