EFF is excited to kick off a new series of livestream events this summer! Please join EFF staff and fellow digital freedom supporters as we dive into three topics near and dear to our hearts.
July 18: The U.S. Supreme Court Takes on the Internet
In the first segment of EFF's livestream series, we'll dive into the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court's recent opinions on technology and civil liberties. Get an expert's look at the court cases making the biggest waves for tech users with our panel featuring EFF Civil Liberties Director David Greene, Techdirt founder Mike Masnick, and Daphne Keller from the Stanford Center for Internet and Society.

August 28: Reproductive Justice in the Digital Age
This summer marks the two-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Join EFF for a livestream discussion about restrictions to reproductive healthcare and the choices people seeking an abortion must face in the digital age where everything is connected, and surveillance is rampant. Learn what’s happening across the United States and how you can get involved with our panel featuring EFF Staff Technologist Daly Barnett, EFF Associate Director of Legislative Activism Hayley Tsukayama, EFF Staff Attorney Jennifer Pinsof, Director of Research and Policy at the Surveillance Resistance Lab Cynthia Conti-Cook, and community organizer Adri Perez.

October 17: How to Protest with Privacy in Mind
Do you know what to do if you’re subjected to a search or arrest at a protest? Join EFF for a livestream discussion about how to protect your electronic devices and digital assets before, during, and after a demonstration. Learn how you can avoid confiscation or forced deletion of media, and keep your movements and associations private with our panel featuring EFF Senior Staff Technologist Cooper Quintin, EFF Security and Privacy Activist Thorin Klosowski, Greenpeace International Information Security Capacity Manager Gillo Cutrupi, and The Civil Liberties Defense Center Director of Litigation and Advocacy Lauren Regan.

We hope you can join for all three events! Be sure to share this post with any interested friends and tell them to join us! Thank you for helping EFF spread the word about privacy and free expression online.
We encourage everyone to join us live for these discussions. Please note that they will be recorded. Recordings will be available following each event.