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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Ion Sancho Issues Statement Supporting HR 550

The HR 550 Lobby Days brought to DC not only passionate citizens interested in e-voting reform but also election officials who have been forced into technology battles that they never wanted to fight. Participating in the Lobby Days events today is Ion Sancho, Supervisor of Elections of Leon County Florida....

HR 550 Lobby Days Efforts Corral More House Members

Hundreds of e-voting reform "activists" (average citizens passionate about e-voting reform) returned to Capitol Hill this morning to push for passage of HR 550, with help from the "I Count Coalition," made up of EFF, VerifiedVoting.Org, Common Cause, VoteTrustUSA, Working Assets, and
As a result of these efforts,...

HR 550: Still the Gold Standard

Will HR 550 solve many of the outstanding questions surrounding the use of e-voting equipment? Recently, a few strongly-worded questions have been raised regarding the effectiveness of the bill. Thankfully, the concerns are misplaced or simply wrong, as diligently explained by Pam Smith, Nationwide Coordinator for
"Recently allegations...

Copyright v. Indexing, Part 1: TorrentSpy

A prediction: the world of copyright law is about to collide with the world of digital indexing and search, and the collision will be among the most important digital copyright issues of the next several years.
A few weeks ago, the major movie studios filed a lawsuit against...

AV Enthusiasts Hit Hard By DRM, Tech Mandates

In a terrific article at DesignTecnica, audio editor of Home Theater and the author of Practical Home Theater Mark Fleischmann has a stark warning for fellow "gadget lovers" looking forward to the newest crop of audio and video devices:
"What was once legal and "fair use" of existing...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Hearing Set for Appeal in Key Bloggers' Rights Case

On April 20, a California Court of Appeal will hear arguments in Apple v. Does, a case with broad implications for all journalists. EFF is fighting to ensure that bloggers and other online writers get the same rights as offline journalists and can protect the confidentiality of their sources.


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