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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF Lawsuit Seeks Release of Secret Court Orders on Electronic Surveillance

Justice Department Withholds Records About Purported Changes to Program Washington, D.C. - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit against the Department of Justice today, demanding records about secret new court orders that supposedly authorize the government's highly controversial electronic surveillance program that intercepts and analyzes millions of Americans' communications...
European Union Flag with Circuit Board Background

IPRED2: Pausing For Thought

Call it the Universal Law of Bad Laws: the more problematic a proposed
piece of legislation is, the keener its advocates are to rush it through. When
that happens, it's often those in the system who call for delay that saves us
all from its unintended consequences.

Blogging WIPO: Can WIPO Protect the Public Domain?

WIPO's Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda is meeting in Geneva this week to continue discussions about establishing a Development Agenda for WIPO - a set of proposals for measuring the impact of WIPO's work on social and economic development in its member states. Two years...

Fight Over Google's 'Sponsored Links' Threatens Internet Free Speech

EFF Asks Judge to Uphold Key Trademark Ruling San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals today to uphold an important ruling allowing anyone to purchase Google's "sponsored links" tied to trademarks, arguing that the practice is legal under trademark law and...

Colleges Struggle to Cope With Flood of Copyright Complaints

The major record labels are sending thousands more copyright nastygrams to colleges regarding student file sharing this year. Of course, file sharing continues unabated, and these P2P-related notices will simply push fans to use other readily-accessible technologies that the RIAA can't easily monitor -- copying music through iTunes...

Judge Denies Complete Stay in AT&T Surveillance Case

Government and AT&ampT Cannot Freeze Proceedings During Appeal San Francisco - A federal judge today ruled that the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) can go forward with elements of its class action lawsuit against AT&ampT for collaborating with the government on illegal spying in ordinary Americans -- despite the government and...

Feinstein to GAO: Investigate E-voting System

During the 2006 election in Florida, electronic voting machines may have "undercounted" to the tune of 18,000 votes in Sarasota County. But because the new machines were not designed to provide paper receipts, there is no way to double check the vote.
Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California has...


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