Pioneer 2008 awards

Update: Nominate a Pioneer for the 2009 Pioneer Awards!

EFF’s 17th Annual Pioneer Awards

were held on March 4, 2008 at the San Diego Mariott Hotel and Marina. Honorees were open source advocate Mitchell Baker and the Mozilla Foundation, Canadian copyfighter and law professor Michael Geist, and AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein.


The event was made possible thanks to platinum sponsor TCHO. Founded by Wired co-founder Louis Rossetto and legendary chocolatier and former technologist Timothy Childs, TCHO is “a new chocolate company for a new generation of chocolate enthusiasts.” TCHO representatives kindly offered a beta release of their dark chocolate samples during the awards ceremony. Visit their website at

EFF would also like to thank our bronze sponsors MOG, Three Rings, Barracuda Networks, JibJab, and Atomic PR, and the O'Reilly ETech organizers for providing space and assistance. Thanks also to keynote speaker Michael Robertson.

Finally, many thanks are due to the 2008 Pioneer Awards judging panel, which reviewed the many nominations and decided on the final winners, and to all the attendees for contributing to an inspiring and successful evening. Pictures of the event can be seen below.

EFF would like to thank our Platinum Sponsor


Special thanks to our Bronze Sponsors

  • mog and threerings
  • threerings
  • Jib Jab!
  • Barracuda
  • Atomic PR

Judging Panel

EFF would like to thank the Judging Panel for the 2008 Pioneer Awards:

Kim Alexander

President and founder, California Voter Foundation

Cory Doctorow

Award-winning author and activist

Mitch Kapor

President, Kapor Enterprises; co-founder and former chairman EFF

Drazen Pantic

Co-director, Location One

Barbara Simons

IBM Research [Retired] and former president ACM

James Tyre

Co-founder, The Censorware Project; EFF policy fellow

Past Pioneers

2007: Yochai Benkler, Cory Doctorow, Bruce Schneier

2006: Craigslist, Gigi Sohn, and Jimmy Wales

2005: Mitch Kapor, Edward Felten, and Patrick Ball

2004: Kim Alexander, David Dill, and Aviel Rubin

2003: Amy Goodman, Eben Moglen, David Sobel

2002: Dan Gillmor, Beth Givens, Jon Johansen and Writers of DeCSS

2001: Bruce Ennis, Seth Finkelstein, and Stephanie Perrin

2000: "Librarians Everywhere", Tim Berners-Lee and Phil Agre

1999: Jon Postel, Drazen Pantic, and Simon Davies

1998: Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman, and Barbara Simons

1997: Hedy Lamarr, Johan Helsingius, and Marc Rotenberg

1996: Robert Metcalfe, Peter Neumann, Shabbir Safdar and Matthew Blaze

1995: Philip Zimmermann, Anita Borg, and Willis Ware

1994: Ivan Sutherland, Bill Atkinson, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, Murray Turoff and Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Lee Felsenstein, and the WELL

1993: Paul Baran, Vinton Cerf, Ward Christensen, Dave Hughes and the USENET software developers

1992: Douglas C. Engelbart, Robert Kahn, Jim Warren, Tom Jennings, and Andrzej Smereczynski

Photos from the 2008 Awards

EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards

Photos by Phil Karn.

EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards EFF Pioneer Awards

Photos by Quinn Norton.

View 2007 Pioneer Awards photos by Quinn Norton and Scott Beale.