Joe Newman

Former Legal Intern
Academic Background:

J.D., George Washington University Law School (2013); B.A. English and Music, Wesleyan University (2009)

Work Experience:

Law Clerk, The Library Of Congress, Office of the General Counsel; Legal Intern, Public Knowledge; Editorial Intern and Freelance Writer, Future US

Legal Interests:

Copyright and Trademark, First Amendment, Information Privacy, Computer Crimes

Bio/Other Interests:

After graduating from undergrad, I moved from D.C. to San Francisco in order to write for a videogame blog, all while playing music around the city whenever I could. Eventually, I realized all the really exciting stuff was going on in IP and Cyberlaw, so I came back home to D.C. to study at GW. I'm still an active and passionate musician, playing professionally in the D.C. area, most recently with Chief Judge Rader (of the Federal Circuit) in his rock band "DeNovo."