Keeping up on all of the information surrounding privacy and free speech on the internet can be challenging whether you're a part of the Electronic Frontier Alliance, trying to educate someone in your life, or planning a talk. That's why EFF has created these one-pager handouts, with some of the most significant issues on our radar and summaries that fit on one sheet of paper that you can share with family, friends, colleagues, or use in a presentation.
Each of these one-pager handouts explains a topic within an issue that EFF covers. Read the summary of the topic that interests you, then click or press on the title to go to a link to download and view the document. If there are any topics that you would like to see as a one-pager handout, feel free to email with your suggestions.
Creativity & Innovation
In Defense of a Neutral Net
A brief history of Net Neutrality, from the rise of rules that EFF could support, to the reversal of those rules in 2016. This document also goes over how we can fight for Net Neutrality and some of the ways that we can make sure that the Internet remains free and open.
Taking A Stand Against Patent Trolls
Explaining what patent trolls are and how they operate. Including a look into a real patent troll, ArrivalStar/Shipping & Transit, and how one ruling, Alice v. CLS Bank, helped small and large businesses fight back. You can find stories about how Alice helped people and businesses fight against patent trolls at
Rebooting the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Why the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) is outdated and problematic, with a history of how the law was made. This document also includes a list of reasons why we need to change the CFAA and how we can work towards fixing our computer crime law.
Coders' Rights Project
Some recent developments in EFF's Coders' Rights Project including how EFF has fought the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in court and Congress, and some blog posts explaining ways that coders, researchers, hackers, and developers can reduce their legal risk.
Community Broadband
A collection of resources to provide guidance on the issues around creating a community broadband network.
Digital Rights Bytes
Get answers to common questions that may be bugging you about the devices you use. Featuring short videos with adorable creatures!
Stop Creepy Online Tracking with Privacy Badger
Privacy Badger is an EFF-made browser extension designed to enhance user privacy. This document discusses what Privacy Badger is, how it works, and where you can download the software.
End the NSA's Illegal Spying
About the NSA’s domestic spying programs and operations as well as what we need Congress and the courts to do about this mass surveillance. Also a description of EFF’s lawsuits and other legal work to end NSA spying since 2008.
Spot the Surveillance One-Pager Handout - English
With Spot the Surveillance, anyone can learn how to identify various spying technologies that police may deploy in communities. This handout goes over what Spot the Surveillance is and how to interact with our virtual reality experience.
Spot the Surveillance One-Pager Handout - Spanish
Con Descubre la Vigilancia, cualquiera puede aprender a identificar diversas tecnologías de espionaje que la policía puede desplegar en distintas comunidades. Este folleto explica qué es y cómo interactuar con Descubre la Vigilancia, la experiencia de realidad virtual de la EFF.
About Face
Defining face surveillance and how law enforcement agencies use it. Also, some bullet points of why we should be questioning the use of facial recognition, including threats to privacy, racial bias, and misidentification.
Tips for Talking to the Police
What you should do if the police want to search your server, personal computer, or phone—including not consenting to a search, asking for a warrant, and staying silent. If you're interested in this handout, check out our 'I Do Not Consent' stickers.
Tor—Myths and Facts
Explaining what Tor is and why someone would want to browse the web anonymously. This document also goes over some myths about Tor and clears them up with real facts about the browser.
Security for Friends & Neighbors
Answering the question of what security education is and why it is essential today as well as showing readers our Security Education Companion designed to help you teach digital security to beginners. Check out our Security Education Companion and start teaching security concepts today!
Generating Passphrases with Dice
Passwords may not be secure enough to keep your devices safe, so let EFF help you create new passphrases to keep your information secure by using dice! This document covers why you should use passphrases over passwords and how to make memorable passphrases. You can also get a pair of EFF dice to make your next passphrase!
Security Planning (Threat Modeling)
We understand that it can feel impossible to protect your digital privacy, but by asking yourself these five questions, you can start to improve your security in meaningful ways. Learn more in EFF’s Surveillance Self-Defense guide.
The Crypto Wars
Government agencies have a long history of attempting to undermine encryption. This document goes into detail about the battle against NSA's illegal spying from the 1990s to today and includes some things that we can do to protect our rights against spying.
Free SSL Certificates from Let's Encrypt and Certbot
Certbot is EFF-developed software designed to act as an automatic client for Let's Encrypt, a free and open Certificate Authority. This handout goes over what Certbot does and why it is essential to make sure your website is using HTTPS. You can help EFF encrypt the web and fight mass surveillance.
Digital Privacy at the U.S. Border
EFF's guide to your constitutional rights around the border. Learn about freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, speech, self-incrimination, and discrimination while at the U.S. border.
EFF Around the World
Although EFF's headquarters are in the U.S., the Internet is global, so we make sure we're protecting your digital rights worldwide. Learn about what EFF is doing around the world and how you can get involved.
Necessary and Proportionate
The 13 Principles that outline how modern communications surveillance can be consistent with human rights. This handout goes over each of the 13 Principles and explains how policymakers, elected officials, activists, and others can use these principles to ensure government actions are consistent with human rights.