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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

An NSA employee sits at a screen monitoring international communications

VICTORY! Federal Court (Finally) Rules Backdoor Searches of 702 Data Unconstitutional

In a landmark ruling, a federal district court held that backdoor searches of databases full of Americans’ private communications collected under Section 702 ordinarily require a warrant. Congress should uphold its responsibility to protect civil rights and civil liberties by refusing to renew Section 702 absent a number of necessary reforms.

EFF Speakeasy: Mesa

Join EFF staff and local online rights supporters for a Speakeasy meetup on Thursday, February 13 in Mesa! EFF staff will be in town for CactusCon. Raise a glass and discover EFF's latest work defending digital freedoms online. This event is a free, casual gathering to...


Is there another way? Shaping digital public spaces.

Alongside panelists Paul Nemitz (Chief Advisor for Digital Transformation Strategies, EU Commission), Philipp Schild (Programme Director of funk) and Professor Christian Pentzold (University of Leipzig), EFF's Associate Director of EU Policy, Svea Windwehr, will join a discussion to speak about changing digital public spaces, and how to shape them. The...

From Free Speech Regulation to Deportation: The Internet, Trump's Targets and Project 2025

ACLU California Action, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Oakland Privacy, TransFamily Support Services, and TransLatin@ Coalition will host this event.About the Event: As California begins a new legislative session, we must think about how digital speech proposals really affect youth and intersect with reproductive choice, LGBTQI, and immigrants’ rights issues. This briefing...


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