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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Lyrics Browsers, iTunes and Copyright Law

When I buy a CD, I look forward to having the lyrics printed in the liner notes. That's part of what I expect in exchange for my money. If the record label omits the lyrics, I feel I'm entirely within my fair use rights to listen closely to the recording...

PATRIOT Reauthorization Slogs On

Next Steps Unclear, Action Still Needed
The PATRIOT Act took a step closer to reauthorization today as Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania announced that he would sign the conference report (in three parts: one, two, and three).
Backroom deals have watered-down the best reforms...

Beginning of the End for Music DRM

Real Networks today announced the availability of a web-based version of its Rhapsody music service. Finally, there is a listen-on-demand authorized music service with deep major label catalog that Mac and Linux users can use. I expect Napster 2.0 and Yahoo! will feel competitive pressure to migrate to a...

Bloggers Sign up for Safer E-Voting

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Rep. Rush Holt's
e-voting reform bill,
href="">H.R. 550
continues to gather support and momentum among individual members of Congress.
And rightly so: it's a well-considered package of fixes to the vulnerabilities

SonyBMG's Secret Recall

Like many, EFF was pleased when SonyBMG announced that it would stop production on its dangerous XCP CDs. Yet announcing a recall seems to be all that SonyBMG intends to do.
As holiday purchases kicked off over the past week, the damaging disks are still being sold...


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