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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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EFF at DEFCON 16 in Las Vegas

EFF will have a booth at DEFCON 16 in Las Vegas, NV taking place at the Riviera Hotel & Casino.
Whether or not you're an EFF member -- we encourage you to stop by and say hi! More details at

EFF at Black Hat USA in Las Vegas

Visit our booth at Black Hat USA, August 2-7 in Las Vegas, the world's premier technical event for ICT security experts.
Featuring 40 hands-on training courses and 90 Briefings presentations with lots of new content and new tools. Network with 4,000 delegates from 50 nations. EFF members receive a...


Now celebrating its tenth year, OSCON is a vibrant meeting ground for the open source community to inspire, debate, make deals, motivate, and connect face to face.
OSCON is July 21-25 at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland Oregon

A Brief Reprieve on FISA: What Now?

Thursday evening, Senator Reid officially delayed a final vote on the FISA Amendments Act until July 8. That gave us just twelve days — now, eleven — to change the political calculus and avoid a Congressional seal of approval on illegal wiretapping.
With the clock counting down, here are...

DNI and AG Fear Court Ruling on Warrantless Wiretapping

EFF and others have long suspected that one reason the White House and its allies have fought for telecom immunity so fervently has been their fear that a judicial ruling on the legality of telecoms' participation would lead to a ruling rejecting the legality of the Administration's warrantless wiretapping program...


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