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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

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The Struggles of France's Three Strikes Law

As 2008 began, the international music industry was proudly predicting the dawning of a new age of co-operation between rightsholders, Internet companies and governments. The dynamic new President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, together with Denis Olivennes, the head of France's largest consumer electronics and media retailer, had announced a new...

Fred von Lohmann at TechLaw with Progressive Minds

Fred will be speaking at Stanford University for the Computer Science Department's "TechLaw with Progressive Minds" speakers series.
"Are you unclear as to what constitutes illegal file-sharing software? So are we. Fred von Lohmann will talk about 'File-Sharing Lawsuits' and their implications."
For more information, please visit ...

Corynne McSherry at NWACC CIO Summit

Corynne McSherry will be speaking at the NWACC CIO Summit.
Portland OR
12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
Copyright and Network Filtering
Organizations such as the RIAA have spurred Congress to pressure colleges and universities to adopt network filtering policies in order to address illegal P2P activities. Are...

MSN Music Debacle Highlights EULA Dangers

When Microsoft announced that it will no longer support former MSN Music customers who want to play their DRM disabled music on new computers, DRM-hating consumer advocates justifiably cried out, “I told you so!” But this debacle is not just another example of the dangers of DRM: its also...


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