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Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF and Sony BMG Reach Preliminary Settlement over Flawed DRM

"The proposed settlement will provide significant benefits for consumers who bought the flawed CDs," said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn. "Under the terms, those consumers will get what they thought they were buying--music that will play on their computers without restriction or security risk. EFF is continuing discussions with Sony...

EFF and Sony BMG Reach Settlement over Flawed DRM

“The proposed settlement will provide significant benefits for consumers who bought the flawed CDs,” said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn. "Under the terms, those consumers will get what they thought they were buying--music that will play on their computers without restriction or security risk. EFF is continuing discussions with Sony...

After EFF Litigation, Diebold Pulls Out of North Carolina

Raleigh, North Carolina - After a series of lawsuits led by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) to defend North Carolina's election integrity laws, controversial electronic voting machine manufacturer Diebold Election Systems finally withdrew from the state's voting machine procurement process on Thursday. In November, Diebold filed suit against the North...

Six More Months to Fight PATRIOT?

CNN is reporting breaking news that the Senate has ended its impasse over USA PATRIOT Act renewal. As we told you previously, pro-PATRIOT lawmakers have been unable to end a filibuster by senators demanding that new protections for civil liberties be added to the renewal bill. With the...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Bad Ruling on Cell Phone Tracking: What a Difference a G Makes

Yesterday, Magistrate Judge Gorenstein of the federal court for the Southern District of New York issued an opinion permitting the government to use cell site data to track a cell phone's physical location, without the government having to obtain a search warrant based on probable cause.
Judge Gorenstein's...

Summary of Claims Against Sony-BMG

My most recent column at, "Sony-BMG's Copy-Protection Quagmire", describes the various legal theories that have been brought against Sony-BMG over the CD copy-protection debacle. The quick summary: more than a dozen class action suits filed around the country, based on a mix of state anti-spyware statutes, the federal...

A Lump of Coal for Consumers: Analog Hole Bill Introduced

While the Senate was standing up for civil liberties, the House was handing out a Christmas gift to Hollywood. For digital consumers and innovators, however, it looks to be a nasty stocking-filler.
Representatives Sensenbrenner and Conyers have introduced H.R. 4569, the "Digital Transition Content Security Act of...

Political Courage Blooms in Volusia County

Displaying political courage too rarely seen, the Volusia County Council today voted to reject Diebold's proposal for a paperless e-voting system and instead adopt a more expensive contract with competitor ES&S. This contract will eventually lead to the use of a ballot marking system that will ensure an auditable, voter-verified...

PATRIOT Act Renewal Blocked in Senate!

It's the best holiday gift any civil libertarian could hope for: a bipartisan coalition of Senators has refused to end a filibuster that is blocking renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act. The group of Democrats and Republicans are rightly concerned that the PATRIOT renewal bill lacks meaningful checks and...

EFF Defends Prisoners’ First Amendment Rights

Opposes Prison Mail Ban on Materials Printed from Internet
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on behalf of Prison Legal News told a federal court Wednesday that Georgia state prisoners should be allowed to receive material printed from the Internet through the mail.
Although Georgia state prisons allow prisoners...


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