Today, two representatives of Public Citizen delivered the Stop the Trap petition—which has received over 90,000 signatures—to United States Trade Representative (USTR) officer Barbara Weisel. The petition is aimed at key government leaders and trade representatives of countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, and it calls on them to drop all provisions in the agreement that would place heavy restrictions on the Internet and digital freedoms. We have endorsed this petition along with OpenMedia.Ca, Public Citizen, Public Knowledge, ONG Derechos Digitales, Free Press, Internet NZ, and others.
USTR officer, Barbara Weisel (left) with Burcu Kilic and Peter Maybarduk of Public Citizen.
You can visit and sign this petition no matter where in the world you live.
Also, you can take our action calling on Congressional members to demand transparency in the TPP negotiations (it can be taken more than once!):