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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

An NSA employee sits at a screen monitoring international communications

VICTORY! Federal Court (Finally) Rules Backdoor Searches of 702 Data Unconstitutional

In a landmark ruling, a federal district court held that backdoor searches of databases full of Americans’ private communications collected under Section 702 ordinarily require a warrant. Congress should uphold its responsibility to protect civil rights and civil liberties by refusing to renew Section 702 absent a number of necessary reforms.

EFF Speakeasy: Mesa

Join EFF staff and local online rights supporters for a Speakeasy meetup on Thursday, February 13 in Mesa! EFF staff will be in town for CactusCon. Raise a glass and discover EFF's latest work defending digital freedoms online. This event is a free, casual gathering to...


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