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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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A surveillance tower over Nogales, Arizona.

U.S. Border Surveillance Towers Have Always Been Broken

A new bombshell scoop from NBC News revealed an internal U.S. Border Patrol memo claiming that 30 percent of camera towers that compose the agency's "Remote Video Surveillance System" (RVSS) program are broken. Except, this isn't a bombshell. What should actually be shocking is that Congressional leaders are acting shocked.

New EFF Report Provides Guidance to Ensure Human Rights are Protected Amid Government Use of AI in Latin America

Governments increasingly rely on algorithmic systems to support consequential assessments and determinations about people’s lives, from judging eligibility for social assistance to trying to predict crime and criminals. Latin America is no exception. With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) posing human rights challenges in...

A surveillance tower at night along the border fence in Calexico, California.

Photo Exhibition & Reception for Knight First Amendment Institute's Symposium "Regardless of Frontiers: The First Amendment and the Exchange of Ideas Across Borders"

EFF is excited to join the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University's symposium “Regardless of Frontiers: The First Amendment and the Exchange of Ideas Across Borders” from October 17-18. An opening reception will be held on October 17 from 6-8 pm at Riverside Church in New York. The reception...


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