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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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Comcast Caught Again

Comcast has a habit of blocking things it doesn’t like. First it was caught red-handed blocking P2P traffic on its networks. Now, Comcast has admitted to paying supporters to pack a public hearing in Massachusetts – a likely attempt to block the public from voicing concerns about their P2P...

EFF, ACLU Move to Intervene in Wikileaks Case

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California (ACLU-Northern California) Tuesday filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit where a federal judge ordered the disabling of one of the domain names associated with...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Embedded Video and Your Privacy

We've recently started embedding video from YouTube and elsewhere into Deeplinks and other areas of This posed a challenge: On one hand, embedded video is an important tool that we want to be able to use. But, on the other hand, embedded video has worrisome privacy implications that...

Four Former Intelligence Professionals Write DNI McConnell

Four former senior intelligence officials wrote a strong letter yesterday to Director of National Intelligence McConnell, calling the Administration's hard line on telecom immunity an impediment to negotiations on the pending FISA legislation.
The letter, signed by former Senior Director for Combating Terrorism at the National Security Council...

Myth/Facts about Retroactive Immunity and Attorneys

Bush Administration Press Secretary Dana Perino stooped to a new low at today's White House press briefing, presenting numerous myths about trial attorneys as part of the Administration's desperate plea to get retroactive immunity for its telecommunications partners.
MS. PERINO: [Telecommunications companies] have the technology, they have the...

John Perry Barlow and Katina Bishop speak at SanFran MusicTech Summit

Come Hear EFF Speakers at the SanFran MusicTech Summit on
Monday, February 25!
The SanFran MusicTech Summit seeks to bring together the
best and brightest developers in the music and technology
space, along with musicians, entrepreneurial business
people, and organizations who work with them. EFF

Republicans Block FISA Talks

FISA legislation is stalled in the House. After walking out of meetings last week, House Republicans refused on Thursday to meet with congressional Democrats to discuss hammering out differences between the Senate and House bills. The message from the Republicans is clear: Absolutely no compromise, especially on the crucial...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Google Gets Healthy

In its endless quest to wring value from users’ personal data, Google is branching out into health records. The Internet search giant has just announced a pilot project that would allow users to combine all their personal health records (PHRs) -- information about prescriptions, allergies, injuries, health history etc --...


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