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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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EFF Implores Nine Companies to Fix It Already!

San Francisco - Technology is supposed to make our lives better, yet many big companies have products with big security and privacy holes that disrespect user control and put us all at risk. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is launching a new project called “Fix It Already!” demanding repair...

EFF Supporting California’s Privacy For All Bill, Which Puts People, Not Tech Companies, in Control of Personal Data

San Francisco—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is standing with Californians demanding more control over their personal data by supporting the Privacy For All bill, which requires tech companies to get their permission to share and use private information.“All eyes are on California, which has taken the lead nationwide in passing...

Hearing Wednesday: EFF Asks Court to Unseal Phone Tap Order That Was Among Hundreds of Questionable Wiretaps Approved By California Court

Riverside, California—On Wednesday, February 13, at 10:00 am, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) will ask a state court to unseal a wiretap order issued against individuals with no criminal records to learn why the phones were tapped and whether the warrant authorization process was legitimate.The order was among hundreds of...

EFF, Human Rights Watch y más de 70 grupos de la sociedad civil solicitan a Mark Zuckerberg que proporcione a todos los usuarios y usuarias un mecanismo para apelar ante la censura de contenidos en Facebook

English versionSan Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation y más de 70 grupos de derechos humanos y digitales pidieron hoy a Mark Zuckerberg que añadiera transparencia y responsabilidad real al proceso de eliminación de contenidos de Facebook. Específicamente, los grupos exigen que Facebook explique – claramente - cuánto contenido...

EFF, Human Rights Watch, and Over 70 Civil Society Groups Ask Mark Zuckerberg to Provide All Users with Mechanism to Appeal Content Censorship on Facebook

Spanish version San Francisco—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and more than 70 human and digital rights groups called on Mark Zuckerberg today to add real transparency and accountability to Facebook’s content removal process. Specifically, the groups demand that Facebook clearly explain how much content it removes, both rightly and...

Surveillance Targets Deserve Answers About Mysterious Wiretaps

Riverside, CA – Two individuals with no criminal record—one of whom is a retired California Highway Patrol officer—are asking a California Superior Court why their phones were tapped in 2015. These are just two targets of hundreds of questionable wiretaps authorized by a single judge, Helios J. Hernandez, in Riverside...

EFF Wins DMCA Exemption Petitions for Tinkering With Echos and Repairing Appliances, But New Circumvention Rules Still Too Narrow To Benefit Most Technology Users

Washington, D.C.—The Electronic Frontier Foundation won petitions submitted to the Library of Congress that will make it easier for people to legally remove or repair software in the Amazon Echo, in cars, and in personal digital devices, but the library refused to issue the kind of broad, simple and robust...

EFF Sues San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department to Obtain Records About Use of Privacy Invasive Cell-Site Simulators

San Bernardino, California—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) sued the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department today to gain access to records about search warrants where cell-site simulators, devices that allow police to locate and track people by tricking their cell phones into a connection, were authorized in criminal investigations.EFF...

Briefing Thursday: EFF’s Eva Galperin and Lookout Discuss, Demo Cybersecurity Attacks On Democracy

Washington, D.C.—On Thursday, Oct. 4, at 2 pm, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Director of Cybersecurity Eva Galperin will speak at a special session for congressional staffers and representatives about how malware and spyware targeted at mobile devices is being used against dissidents, activists, journalists, and others to disrupt democracy.Galperin’s...

A Click on a URL Isn’t Enough for a Search Warrant

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has asked an appeals court to ensure that a click on a URL isn’t enough to get a search warrant for your house.In U.S. v. Nikolai Bosyk, law enforcement discovered a link to a file-sharing service that was suspected of being used...


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