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Deeplinks Blog

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Federal Court Dismisses X's Anti-Speech Lawsuit Against Watchdog

This post was co-written by EFF legal intern Melda Gurakar.Researchers, journalists, and everyone else has a First Amendment right to criticize social media platforms and their content moderation practices without fear of being targeted by retaliatory lawsuits, a federal court recently ruled.The decision by a federal court in California to...

Necessary & Proportionate logo

En victoria histórica para los derechos humanos en Colombia, la Corte Interamericana declara que organismos estatales violaron derechos humanos de abogados que defendían a activistas.

En una sentencia histórica para las libertades fundamentales en Colombia, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos concluyó que durante más de dos décadas el gobierno estatal acosó, vigiló y persiguió a miembros de un grupo de abogados que defiende a defensores de los derechos humanos, activistas y comunidades indígenas, poniendo...

Emma Shapiro photo

Speaking Freely: Emma Shapiro

Emma Shapiro is an American artist, writer, and activist who is based in Valencia, Spain. She is the Editor-At-Large for the Don’t Delete Art campaign and the founder of the international art project and movement Exposure Therapy. Her work includes the use of video, collage, performance, and photography, while primarily...
Infrastructures of Control

Infrastructures of Control - Exhibition Opening

University of Arizona (not EFF) will host this event. EFF's Dave Maass will participate. Infrastructures of Control: Security and Surveillance in the U.S. BorderlandsInfrastructures of Control: Border Security and Surveillance is an outdoor photo exhibition of more than 30 images of surveillance towers and other security infrastructure along...

Ola Bini se enfrenta a los esfuerzos de la fiscalía ecuatoriana para anular su absolución en el caso de ciberdelincuencia

Ola Bini, desarrollador informático absuelto el año pasado de cargos de ciberdelincuencia en un veredicto unánime en Ecuador, volvió a los tribunales la semana pasada en Quito cuando la Fiscalía, utilizando las mismas pruebas que ayudaron a exculparle, pidieron a un tribunal de apelación que anulara la decisión alegando...

El Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU. no va lo suficientemente lejos al determinar cuándo se prohíbe a los funcionarios públicos censurar a los críticos en las redes sociales

In a unanimous opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court has finally crafted a test that lower courts can use to determine whether a government official engaged in “state action” such that censoring individuals on the official’s social media page—even if also used for personal purposes—would violate the First Amendment.

EFF at BSides San Francisco

EFF is excited to be back for BSides San Francisco! We'll be in the City View at the Metreon, where you can stop by the EFF booth to chat with our team and learn about the latest developments in defending digital freedom for all. You can even pick up...


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