Right now you can help EFF receive a portion of a $150,000+ donation pool without even opening your wallet. EFF is one of the three nonprofits featured in CREDO's giving group this month, so if you vote for EFF by May 31 you will help direct a bigger piece of the donation pie toward protecting online freedom!
Since its founding, CREDO's network of customers and action-takers has raised more than $85 million for different charities. Each month, CREDO selects three groups to receive a portion of donations that the selected nonprofits then use to drive positive change. Mobile customers generate the funds as they use paid services. Anyone can visit the CREDO Donations site and vote on how to distribute donations among the selected charities. The more votes a group receives, the higher its share of that month's donations.
EFF is proud to stand alongside organizations that defend users' rights. In 2016, CREDO revealed that EFF had been representing the company in a long legal battle over the constitutionality of national security letters (NSLs). The FBI has issued unknown numbers of NSL demands for companies' customer information without a warrant or court supervision. NSLs are typically accompanied by a gag order, making it difficult for the recipients to complain or resist, but EFF continues the fight for justice.
In the last few weeks we've helped defend your privacy at the border, defeated the "podcasting patent" troll, and pushed the chance to restore net neutrality through the Senate. Help us keep the momentum up by taking a moment to vote for EFF today.
We are honored to be one of CREDO's May charities, and we hope you will choose us. You can also support our work by spreading the word on Twitter and Facebook or just becoming an EFF member!