The Reclaim Invention Act is a model state law to help ensure that state-funded universities don't sell their inventions to patent trolls. The bill would do two things:

  1. Require state-funded universities to adopt a policy not to license or sell patents to trolls.
  2. Void the sale of any university patent to a troll.

We encourage state lawmakers to consider the Reclaim Invention Act and introduce it, or a similar bill, in their legislatures. If you’d like to see your state lawmakers sponsor the Reclaim Invention Act, then write to them here.

If you have questions about the Reclaim Invention Act or are planning to introduce it in your state, then please contact EFF activist Elliot Harmon.

Download the bill (plain text file).

Take ActionTell your state lawmakers: keep university patents away from trolls.

Find a list of supporters at your university.