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CyberLaw Trivia Banner with a multicolored brain

EFF's 17th Annual Cyberlaw Trivia Night

On Thursday, June 5th, the Bay Area's best legal minds gather in support of online freedom as we celebrate our 16th Annual Cyberlaw Trivia Night!This event brings lawyers from Bay Area firms and tech companies together in the ultimate battle of mastery over privacy, free speech, and intellectual property law....

Speaking Freely: Winnie Kabintie

Winnie Kabintie is a journalist and Communications Specialist based in Nairobi, Kenya. As an award-winning youth media advocate, she is passionate about empowering young people with Media and Information Literacy skills, enabling them to critically engage with and shape the evolving digital media landscape in meaningful ways.

EFF at SCaLE 22x

As always, EFF is excited to be back in Pasadena, CA for SCaLE 22x! Stop by the EFF booth to chat with some of our team and learn about the latest news in defending digital freedom for all. You can even pick up a special gift as a token...

Speaking Freely: Prasanth Sugathan

Prasanth Sugathan is Legal Director at Software Freedom Law Center, India. ( Prasanth is a lawyer with years of practice in the fields of technology law, intellectual property law, administrative law and constitutional law. He is an engineer turned lawyer and has worked closely with the Free Software community in...


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