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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Stanford Law School Machinima Conference, April 24-25

The term "machinima" (machine + cinema) has been coined to describe movies made using video games. In addition to being an inspiring new "film" genre, it's also at the cutting edge of many important legal questions at the intersection of copyright, trademark, and contractual restrictions (i.e., EULAs and ToS)....

EFF at Maker Faire Bay Area

EFF will have a table at Maker Faire Bay Area. Come say hello!
May 30-31
San Mateo County Expo Center & Fairgrounds
San Mateo, California
Expo Hours
Saturday, May 30: 10am - 8PM
Sunday, May 31: 10am - 6PM
Check out...

EFF at MySQL Conference

EFF will have a table at the MySQL Conference in Santa Clara. Stop by and say hi!
April 20-23
Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Expo Hours
Tuesday, April 21: 10:00AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday, April...

EFF at RSA Conference

EFF will have a table at the RSA Conference in San Francisco.
April 20-24
The Moscone Center
747 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Expo Hours
Monday, April 20: 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Tuesday, April 21: 11:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday, April...

Michigan Rep. Calls for RFID Review

Why is Michigan set to issue new Enhanced Drivers' Licenses (EDLs) that include long-range RFID (Radio Frequency ID) technology? That's the question that Michigan Rep. Paul Opsommer wants answered.
Michigan entering into a federal agreement to put unencrypted, long range RFID computer chips into our driver's licenses presents...


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