Next time you fly Virgin America, you just might see one of EFF's new PSAs as part of your onboard entertainment. Earlier this year, EFF worked with Bucknell University Professor Eric Faden (of A Fair(y) Use Tale fame) to create these two video PSAs about important, cutting-edge digital rights issues!
Digital Books and License Agreements

Online Behavioral Tracking

Hopefully, viewers are reminded of the very important idea that many of the rights and protections we have in the physical world should apply to the digital world as well.
Many thanks to Bucknell University Professor Eric Faden, cinematographer Steve Gibson, and the spring 2010 film production class (Claire Bonti, Kristen Bucaria, Diego Chiri, Dana Farley, Meredith Field, William McCormick, Leanne Miller, Parker Phillips, Caroline Pogust, Hannah Roman, and Casey Sims) for their fantastic work in turning our ideas into these short PSAs!