Related Content: Broadband
We need your help telling Governor Newsom and the California Legislature to keep their promise on broadband infrastructure funding—giving it full funding without any cuts or delays. California’s broadband infrastructure fund created by S.B. 156 in 2021 creates several critical programs to finally deliver 21st century broadband access to every...
En una lucha entre las grandes empresas tecnológicas y los gigantes proveedores de internet, puede ser muy tentador no preocuparse por quién gana y quién pierde. Sin embargo, en el caso de las propuestas de "reparto justo" de los ISP, la victoria de estos últimos supondría socavar uno de los...
Mientras California, la quinta economía mundial, navega por un panorama cambiante, que incluye un déficit presupuestario, es importante que la legislatura no tome atajos que despojen al estado de una tecnología preparada para el futuro. En lugar de echarse atrás, la legislatura californiana debe continuar por la senda de...
When the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released their new broadband map in November 2022, many hoped the chronic inaccuracies of past FCC maps would be resolved. Previous maps of high-speed broadband access in the United States painted inaccurate pictures partly because the definitions of things like “access” and “high-speed”...
SACRAMENTO, CA – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) opposes legislation sponsored by AT&T, AB 2749 (Quirk-Silva), that would undermine California’s historic broadband infrastructure law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom last July.The bill would amend the newly created grant program for funding broadband access in unserved areas by prohibiting the...